ISQ ACCEL is Impact Square’s social venture accelerating online platform.
ISQ ACCEL is an online platform to support the growth of early-stage social ventures and social enterprises by providing lectures on core concepts of impact business.


The scale of social ventures are expanding every year. However, being opposite from these scales, accelerating programs that support early-stage social economy organization’s growth is still lacking. Furthermore, focusing mainly with offline accelerating programs has limitations with time and place, which prevents smooth growth.

Therefore, ISQ ACCEL has been developed in order to overcome the existing offline-centered spatial constraints and provide opportunities to more social ventures.


The curriculum consists of about 70 lectures that contain core concepts of impact business which social venture should already know such as social issues, solution and business model, and etc. Therefore, these lectures will support social venture’s competence growth.


Provide quality growth opportunities for more social ventures. Make more people consume impact business.